Alice Pagani

Name : Alice Pagani
Birth Date : 1937-04-13
Birth Place : NA
Nationality : NA
Height : NA
Occupation : Actress
Didi Perego (13 April 1935 – 28 June 1993) was a statuesque Italian actress who appeared in more than 80 films and television shows. She made her film debut in 1959's Death of a Friend. The same year, she starred in perhaps her best-known role as Sofia in Kapò. She won the Silver Ribbon for Best Supporting Actress from the Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists. She had a major starring role in Mario Bava's Caltiki - The Immortal Monster (Caltiki - il Mostro Immortale) the same year.

Alice Pagani Movies / Drama

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QA About Alice Pagani

What is birthdate of Alice Pagani?

- 1937-04-13.

What is BirthPlace of Alice Pagani?

- NA.

What is Nationality of Alice Pagani?

- NA.

What is Height of Alice Pagani?

- NA.

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More Actress Info

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